About me

Neeraj is a Computer Science Engineer working as a front-end developer based in Chennai, India. During the day, he works at Teknuance as a developer. During the evenings, he spends his time building on his skill set, covering various aspects of front-end and back-end development. He aspires to become a highly proficient full stack developer.

He likes to keep his code efficient, clean and elegant. He is well organized and hard-working, and longs for interesting new challenges and experiences.

He loves the open source community and aims to contribute to it extensively.

Experience and Skills

  • Lead Developer
    Teknuance, Chennai
    • Lead the development of a fully fledged and highly customizable Charts library built on top of React.js and D3.js in a team of 3.
    • Mentored, guided and collaborated with new teammates on multiple projects.
    • Contributed in the back-end development with Node.js.
    July '19 - Present
  • Front-end Developer
    Teknuance, Chennai
    • Developed a real time social networking application with features involving messaging, peer to peer and conference calling, etc. using React, WebRTC and Socket.io.
    • Built the front-end for a database modelling tool with high scalability.
    • Extensively worked on developing a wide variety of reusable data driven charts using D3.js and React.
    • Created a sophisticated Rich Text suggestion box and several other reusable components for multiple projects.
    July '18 - July '19
  • Research Analyst Intern
    Teknuance, Chennai
    • Developed a reusable UI component toolkit using React.js and Typescript.
    • Worked on different approaches for integrating D3.js with React.js and creating reusable chart components.
    Feb '18 - June '18



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